
Showing posts from October, 2020

Maybe Science

I don't know like science stuff or whatever, but i think maybe like all materials melt at different temperatures, so like if you put trash on a conveyor that traveled through a series of ovens, each oven progressively hotter than the last, then you can easily separate materials from piles of garbage by this method of melting, thus stream lining and simplifying the process of recycling trash.

Funeral knick knack store

Today is the grand opening of my open casket knick knack store, a great shopping space for unidentified bodies that are receiving funerals but nobody really knows much about the person so you kinda just gotta guess what kind of random things they might have had at some point in their lives.

Foot Traffic Cops

W hat's the deal with these traffic signs in Walmart? You know those "Don't shop this way" signs, fuck that, they're obviously too cheap to hire cashiers, we know they're not gonna hire extra security to enforce shopping traffic. Fucking dumb.

Fancy Ketchup is so pretentious

"I'm just a little on the fence with Kathy Lee Gifford's policy on reanimating aborted fetuses and raising them to be pet companions for all the un-rescued dogs at shelters" - how I think fancy people's conversations probably sound like.

Photographic Memory Foam Technology

I always cringe when people say they have photographic memory cause i totally doubt it, but i guess if i'd say i had any sort of super natural feature its probably my sound memory, i can play back like really detailed songs in my head at any given moment although the volume is pretty faint. but it comes in handy when i'm at work and i'm spacing out which happens alot and then suddenly somebody tells me something important but i wasn't paying attention, i just try to piece together the sounds that just happened in the past 10 seconds and can usually make some sense of it, and all within about 3 seconds i will react with like "ok". i think most of my experiences doing shrooms or acid have always been alot more auditory than visual. like i'll be listening to albums that i'm super familiar with and i'll hear shit that i never heard before. Or usually at the end of the trip when its like 8am and i'm trying to go to bed but i can't s

Deleted Facebook Now

Facebook is an out of control spy advertisement machine government entity that sells your information, sensors you, brainwashes you, and enables you to be mindless garbage content scrolling dumb dumbs.  If you continue to use Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg will be your president in 20 years.

Dating site for singularities

  I have 2 concepts of singularity that i made up. Firstly the 2 that usually get tossed around, the idea that super computers will create self aware AI, and the idea that the laws of physics changes in a blackhole, i don't really believe in those. But my first idea, is that a "technology singularity" is basically when all things necessary to sustain human life indefinitely is all compacted into a space ship. Of course this space ship will probably be the size of the Titanic, but it would probably be revised many times until it is much smaller.  My 2nd idea is actually 2 different ideas that both have to do with TV. Firstly i think TV and movies are just going to keep rebooting until everything flips inside out, there must be some sort of decay threshold before a sequence of re-boots becomes an exact replica of the original material. Ok, like say there's really only 7 primary colors, there's only 12 audio tones, there's only 8 primary smells and