I have 2 concepts of singularity that i made up. Firstly the 2 that usually get tossed around, the idea that super computers will create self aware AI, and the idea that the laws of physics changes in a blackhole, i don't really believe in those. But my first idea, is that a "technology singularity" is basically when all things necessary to sustain human life indefinitely is all compacted into a space ship. Of course this space ship will probably be the size of the Titanic, but it would probably be revised many times until it is much smaller. My 2nd idea is actually 2 different ideas that both have to do with TV. Firstly i think TV and movies are just going to keep rebooting until everything flips inside out, there must be some sort of decay threshold before a sequence of re-boots becomes an exact replica of the original material. Ok, like say there's really only 7 primary colors, there's only 12 audio tones, there's only 8 primary smells and ...