
Showing posts from April, 2022

Are VPN's a lie?

       All internet infrastructure is built by governments, whatever cables or fiber optic connecting between ISP's, satellites, etc, the governments own it all, nothing runs through them anonymously, they can trace any communication from any point on earth to any other point. They wouldn't let these relay machines communicate with their infrastructure if they didn't want them to. I think the government allows the dark web to exist for the same reasons they created and distributed crack in the 80's, so they can make keep track of who's distributing so they can later bust the big dealers, but finding other ways of busting them so they don't blow the legitimacy of the dark web. Try to threaten a billionaire through a VPN and watch how fast they show up at your door. VPN's are just the current gimmick, remember when they tried selling identity insurance? That's basically all it is. I don't know any of this for a fact, it's just my logical interpreta

One huge commonality Hitler and Jesus share

  Hitler and Jesus have one huge thing in common that I have never read or heard anyone ever talk about. They both came at the advent of mass communication breakthroughs. Jesus was created at the very same time that paper was created, and Hitler was created at the very same time that video recording was created. Is this coincidence or deliberate? I'm not a history expert, but from what I understand, humans were writing for at least several hundred years on various prototypes before tree paper, first they wrote on animal skins, then rice and plant based paper, but it wasn't until about 100AD that humans created tree paper, coincidentally the bible wasn't actually written until about a hundred years after Jesus supposedly happened. Historians could never actually pin point the exact year Jesus was born was supposedly born, it's roughly estimated and said they are only as close to about 3 or 4 years to being exact. Also fun fact, there was no year zero, Roman numerals di