
Showing posts from November, 2021

Football is for retards

       I'm talking about american football, not the respectable international sport futbol.        Firstly they need to change the name to hand egg, the fact they used a name that was already taken and well known worldwide just shows how fucking dumb football fans are.      The worst thing about football is having to listen to idiots talk about it, they always try to sound like political scientists, durrrr they need better defense, oh wow you're so wise, tell us more about how you became fat and bald before you hit age 30 and you haven't jogged longer than 8 seconds since you were in high school.      Football players aren't "talented", they're just overly inspired to repeatedly do the same lame bullshit over and over because someone is paying them. I guarantee if no money was involved they wouldn't be playing it. Football isn't even fun, who the fuck day dreams about being a blocker? The only semi-fun positions is being the quarter back or being t